Matching skilled technicians and energy roles.
What You'll Get
We match the right talent with the right roles.
Matching Candidates
As a Company you'll get access to a candidate database matching the skill sets you need. Digital portfolios demonstrate and confirm the skills needed to perform jobs in the real world, and companies don't need to re-train candidates to prepare them for employment.
Digital Portfolio & Job Offers
As a Candidate you are able to join, assess your skills and get listed for free. Also, you'll get your digital portfolio with indicated skills to improve as well as your personalized adaptive learning path. Once you get hired by one of our client companies, you'll pay us 2% of your salary for 2 years after you are employed.
How It works
For Companies
  • 1. Skill Standard: we review the skill set provided by employers in order to create a standard for a specific position.
  • 2. Assessment: we assess candidates using adaptive practical challenges and game simulators.
  • 3. Matching Candidates: based on this assessment we provide the list of candidates exactly matching the required skillset.
Get Candidates
For Candidates
  • 1. Profile: you register by signing up and completing your candidate profile.
  • 2. Assessment: then, you solve some practical challenges for 10-30 minutes each.
  • 3. List of Jobs and Action Plan: according to this assessment we provide the list of jobs you can apply for, your digital portfolio, and a learning path to improve your skills.
Apply for a New Job
Who We Are
Founders focused on job growth in green energy.
  • Ksenia Solomatina
    5+ years in TalentTech & EdTech
  • Sam Saarinen

    5+ years in AI & EdTech

Feel free to write or call any time. We love to communicate with our clients!