Upskilling Workers
for a Sustainable Energy Future
How does it work?
We create Virtual Training Cockpits. While workers solve practical challenges on their screens, PowerTechs provides a very granular picture of their existing transferable skills and generates educational paths.
🔥 What is PowerTechs' advantage?
Online simulator-based adaptive skills assessment and training.
What can it be used for?
PowerTechs helps assess skills, recruit, train, upskill and repurpose workers.
What does it look like?
Here is a sneak peek:
How much is it?
PowerTechs is free for workers. Companies pay a fee per user per month.
Which industries can it work for?
PowerTechs is industry agnostic but focused on energy and manufacturing.
How can I start using it?
Just click on the Sign-up button in the Menu or choose one option from Companies / Workers here ⬇️
Why do you make it?
The lack of skilled workers is already a bottleneck for Renewable infrastructure deployment. This problem is only going to get worse. We've built PowerTechs to address it.
💌 How can I contact you?
Leave a message here or email us at We'll be happy to answer!
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